Earlier today Christine Dengel published an article on Golf Canada.ca discussing the importance of placing emphasis on golf as a family activity.

As a father and a golfer, I also believe that golf is a sport that families can do together. Golf is a great mental and physically challenging sport that can be fun to learn together as a group, or passed on to the next generation.

One opportunity for families to get involved is through the CN Future Links program, which provides a great opportunity for kids to familiarize themselves with the game of golf and can provide a fun and relaxed environment for children who are new to the sport. PGA of Canada professionals are also available to assist parents with learning about the game as well, so everyone can learn together. Christine makes another great point as well:

A game of 9 holes at a club takes approximately 2 hours of time once play begins. Watching a movie takes about the same amount of time. The difference… interaction and conversation among family members. On the golf course there will be laughter, conversation, cheering and the odd groan on a missed shot. Sharing the successes of a great drive or a four foot putt…priceless!!!

I can’t agree with this statement enough, and encourage families to sign up for classes together, or to try out an easy 9-hole course near their home. It also serves as a great opportunity to day-trip to a local course as well!

Golf is a great way to bond with your family while learning (or honing) your skills in a fun and active way!

You can read the rest of Christine’s article here.

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